The companies Koninklijke Vopak, Hotel Breeze and Bosch Beton have been nominated for the EZK Energy Award 2019. They have a chance to win this prize, because they have distinguished themselves positively in the field of energy saving, sustainable generation and sustainable heat.
Arnhem, december 3rd 2019
The winner will be announced on January 30, 2020 at the EZK event: Partners in energy challenges in Barneveld. The winning company will receive a sum of € 25,000, for example, to spend on sustainable energy measures. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK) will make the prize available.
"We want to become more sustainable. Being cleaner in the daily terminals and generating electricity ourselves are great ways of doing this." Marcel van de Kar, director of new energies at Royal Vopak, is speaking about making the tank storage company more sustainable. Vopak stores products for its customers worldwide, such as oil, chemicals and gases. One of the ways in which Vopak generates sustainable electricity is via a light and flexible rollable solar foil, developed by HyET Solar. "This is an excellent fit for our storage tanks," explains energy coordinator Khalid Saleh. After a successful pilot in Vlaardingen, Vopak wants to investigate whether it can scale up the use of the solar foil, in the Netherlands or abroad. This means a huge potential of sustainably generated energy worldwide.
"We want to be pioneers in the hotel industry with this", says Robin Boer, director of Hotel Breeze, about the application in the hotel of the Earth, Wind & Fire concept by Ben Bronsema. That this has succeeded is evident from the online bio of Hotel Breeze: 'World's first zero energy hotel based in Amsterdam'. Amstelius implemented the biomimicry concept in the hotel on the IJ lake. It simulates the natural air conditioning of termite mounds. The total sustainability resulted in, among other things, an EPC of 0 and a BREEAM Excellent certification. Maarten Eldering, director of Amstelius: "It is great to push the boundaries of sustainable buildings and thus set a new standard."
"It is basically not difficult to choose a sustainable building. If you intend to deal with the world in a responsible manner and find the right parties for the realization, this is more than possible", says managing director Gerard van den Bosch of Bosch Beton about making his company more sustainable, which produces concrete retaining walls in a smart and clean way. The company realized a new factory in Barneveld in 2019, with a lot of attention being paid to energy and sustainability. The building is fully built according to BREEAM standards. The company shares the knowledge with other parties and there are plans for further sustainability of the processes.
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