
Container 42 - Port of Rotterdam

HyET Solar has installed 15 Powerfoil modules on top of a shipping container. The container makes use of different types of sensors to collect data during transport. The Powerfoil modules generate enough energy to charge batteries that are stored in the container. If another container is placed on top, the stored energy can be used to have the sensors continue to collect data.

Container 42 is a collaboration project between Port of Rotterdam, IBM, Cisco, Intel, HyET Solar and several other companies. The goal of the project is to create the smartest container in the world and collect data to improve and optimize shipping.

For more information go to:


Storage tank application - Vopak Vlaardingen

6 kWp Powerfoil has been installed on top of a Vopak storage tank. The installation proved the potential of unused surface area of ​​storage tanks, a way to store liquids in a more environmental way and a new business model for storage tank owners. Quarterly inspections have shown excellent adhesion on tank roof surfaces and no signs of corrosion. Powerfoil surface showed to remain free from contaminations without cleaning.

Meanwhile HyET have acquired ATEX zone 2 certification which enables the application of Powerfoil on VOPAK tanks with explosive fluids. 


Cruise Ship - Shipyard De Hoop

HyET Solar has installed 2.3 kWp of Powerfoil on the Celebrity Flora, a luxury cruise ship that will be used to transport people to the Galapagos Islands. New ships are obliged to make use of alternative sources of energy while in the area of ​​the Galapagos Islands. The fact that Powerfoil is of extremely light weight made it interesting for Shipyard De Hoop to install it on the Celebrity Flora. 

Storage tank application - Vopak Vlaardingen

Quarterly inspections have shown excellent adhesion on tank roof surfaces and no signs of corrosion. Powerfoil surface showed to remain free from contaminations without cleaning.

Meanwhile HyET have acquired ATEX zone 2 certification which enables the application of Powerfoil on VOPAK tanks with explosive fluids. 

Container 42 - Port of Rotterdam

The Powerfoil modules generate enough energy to charge batteries that are stored in the container. If another container is placed on top, the stored energy can be used to have the sensors continue to collect data.

Container 42 is a collaboration project between Port of Rotterdam, IBM, Cisco, Intel, HyET Solar and several other companies. The goal of the project is to create the smartest container in the world and collect data to improve and optimize shipping.

For more information go to:

Cruise Ship - Shipyard De Hoop

New ships are obligated to make use of alternative sources of energy while in the area of the Galapagos Islands. The fact that Powerfoil is of extremely light weight made it interesting for Shipyard De Hoop to install it on the Celebrity Flora. 

Fuel Station Canopy - Oman Oil

Due to the light weight of Powerfoil, fuel stations are able to cover up until 90% of the canopy area without the need for reinforcements. 

The potential market for covering fuel station canopies and other light weight structures with Powerfoil in Oman alone is >35 MWp.

Tropical Climate Demo - PT Pertamina

The goal of the Tropical Climate Demo System is to prove the superior performance ratio of a-Si:H technology in tropical climates. The extremely low temperature coefficient and broad capture of the light spectrum result in a 15% higher performance ratio than other solar technologies.




Large scale rooftop application - IKEA

Large stores and distribution centers usually are not build for the weight of regular glass solar panels. Urgenda published their 40 point plan to reduce the Dutch carbon footprint and used Powerfoil as an example of an innovative solution. 19.3 milion square meters of roofs in The Netherlands alone are not intended to bare the extra weight of glass solar panels but would be able to apply Powerfoil

If you want to know more about Urgenda and their goals to reduce the Dutch carbon footprint, go to:

1 MWp storage tank application - Vopak

Royal Vopak and HyET Solar initiated their cooperation after a successful pilot in Vopak’s Vlaardingen tank farm in 2019. Both companies have since been involved in preparing large-scale applications. In early 2020, Vopak Ventures acquired participation in HyET Solar.

Rombout Swanborn, CEO and co-founder of HyET Solar says: “We believe that this project will demonstrate that the uncertainty in the West European Solar PV manufacturing industry due to long term confrontation by low-cost, predominantly Asian products can be overcome. We strongly believe that the time has come for innovative low-cost PV products like HyET Solar Powerfoil to take back sizable market share”

Marcel van de Kar, Vopak director New Energies added: "This project allows us to accumulate knowledge and experience with generating green electricity at our terminals and gives us the opportunity to explore the possibility to scale up this promising technology."

In october 2020 the first batch of the 1 MWp project will be installed in the Laurenshaven. 

REACT-EU subsidy granted for HyET Powerfoil